
天娱数科(002354):元宇宙布局加码 关注后续虚拟人与品牌孵化进展

Tianyu Mathematics (002354): Metaverse layout increases focus on subsequent developments in virtual human and brand incubation

西南證券 ·  Sep 13, 2022 00:00  · Researches

Event: 1) the company's Japanese quasi-medical brand FAITH and its own skin care brand "Kouchu" have achieved good sales and influence, and the follow-up is expected to usher in an increase in sales with the advent of the e-commerce festival, or as a potential growth pole. 2) in August, Beijing issued a special support policy for digital human development, proposing that the scale of the digital human industry should exceed 50 billion yuan by 2025, cultivate 1-2 head digital human enterprises with a revenue of more than 5 billion yuan, and 10 key digital human enterprises with a revenue of more than 1 billion yuan. As of September 13, the number of Douyin fans of the company's virtual human "Tianfu" has reached 3.2 million, winning a total of 17.2 million likes, which is expected to usher in a break with commercial maturity.

Focus on the leisure competitive track and promote the digital competitive platform to go to sea. 1) in the domestic market, the digital competitive platform PK.NOW! Since the launch, we have continued to introduce trend leisure games. By the end of 22H1, the registered users of the platform have reached 720000; 2) in the international market, the use of international e-sports events to enable leisure games to go out to sea. The "Sunvy Poker" international poker tournament developed and operated by the company has gradually become a global event, with more than 100 million users. HUYA Inc., YouTube and Twitter simultaneously opened 51 live broadcasts, with a total of 13.63 million viewers, and the influence is expected to usher in a broken circle.

Data flow is steadily advancing, and digital marketing and content marketing go hand in hand. 1) Digital effect marketing: the total number of registered users of Ice Assistant has reached 273 million, with 12.72 million new registered users during the reporting period; the total registered users of overseas platform 3uTools platform has reached 26.51 million, providing long-term promotion services for top applications such as Douyin, Kuaishou Technology, Xiaohongshu, etc. 2) Brand content marketing: "data intelligence + network collaboration" to complete the integrated marketing of high-quality content such as "We who won't fall in Love", "Heart Home" and Guangliang Wine Industry, "ordinary Road" and Junlebao.

The virtual human track layout is added to build the virtual digital human matrix. In terms of underlying technology, the company has built a 400-square-meter optical dynamic capture base, and developed high-precision human 3D reconstruction process, motion capture, facial expression drive and other technologies. The effect of "batch + short period + low cost" can be expected. 2) in terms of virtual human IP, the company created the first cultural and national-style virtual digital human "Tianqi", which has more than 3 million followers, more than 160 million video views and more than 10 million likes in the three months since its launch. In addition, the company has also launched virtual fashion talent "the beginning" and virtual makeup talent "Benshan", the progress of commercialization is worth looking forward to.

Profit forecast and investment advice. It is estimated that the net profit from 2022 to 2024 will be 16 million yuan, 48 million yuan and 65 million yuan. The company's data traffic business is growing rapidly, the strategic layout of virtual human platform, broaden the back-end application scene, virtual human commercialization is expected to contribute to a certain performance increment, it is recommended to pay attention to.

Risk hint: the risk that the data flow business development is not as expected, the risk of industry policy change, and the market competition aggravates the risk.

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