
美股异动 | Lucid(LCID.US)跌7.54% 申请筹集最多80亿美元资金

Changes in US stocks | Lucid (LCID.US) fell 7.54% to apply for a maximum of US $8 billion

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 30, 2022 23:00
On August 30th, Lucid (LCID.US) fell 7.54% to US $14.95. The company has filed a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission to raise up to $8 billion. It is reported that supply chain problems have affected production, and Lucid hopes to further enrich its operating funds. In order to raise funds, Lucid will issue a variety of securities, the specific size, price and terms will be determined at the time of issuance.


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