
个股机会 | 双十一阿里独占鳌头,食品行业有亮点

Individual stock opportunities | Ali takes the lead in Double Eleven, and the food industry has bright spots

富途资讯 ·  Nov 19, 2018 22:44

Edited by CITIC: "October & Singles Day Ali online data analysis: Singles Day opened ahead of schedule and accelerated in October."

Editor's note: Tmall announced that the return rate for Singles Day Carnival is only 0.06, much lower than the industry average. This research report will take you to find out how the food industry performed on Singles Day.

1. The sales of the whole network hit a new high, and the transaction volume of Tmall platform increased by 26.9%.

According to Xingtu data, the total sales of the whole network reached 314.32 billion yuan this year, an increase of 23.8%. Judging from the sales of each platform, Tmall's sales on that day reached 213.42 billion yuan, an increase of 26.9 percent.Sales account for 67.9% of the whole network.Followed by, SUNING and Pinduoduo, accounting for 17.3%, 4.7% and 3%, respectively. Snack foods are at the top of the food list, while liquor and dairy brands are also in the top 10.

2. What are the highlights of the Singles' Day food industry?

  • Health products industry: high growth of leading companies, rapid growth in October ahead of Singles Day holiday

Online sales of health products increased by 50.9% in October compared with the same period last year, and health products continued to sell well driven by Singles Day.In October 2018, the online sales of health products reached 1.797 billion, an increase of 50.9 percent. The sales of overseas health products were 721 million yuan, an increase of 48.9%. Among them, the sales of Tmall's B2C side reached 366 million yuan, an increase of 93.2% over the same period last year, and the sales of Taobao's C2C side reached 356 million yuan, an increase of 20.5%. During the promotion period, the brand store has more influence and faster growth. In October, Tmall took the initiative to account for 50.7% of sales, an increase in 11.6pcts over the same period last year.

  • Snack food industry: the industry speeds up obviously during the promotion period

Online sales of snack food increased by 36.8% in October. Retail sales in the snack food industry reached 5.107 billion in October, an increase of 36.8%.From the molecular market point of view, the pastry industry has the largest sales volume of 1.215 billion yuan, while the sales scale of biscuits, nuts and lo mei snacks is 854 million yuan, 826 million yuan and 654 million yuan respectively. The average online sales price of snack food Ali in October was 26.2 yuan, an increase of 12.2%.

  • Dairy industry: high growth of liquid milk and significant improvement in the growth rate of milk powder compared with the same period last year

In the liquid milk / white milk / yogurt industry, online sales of Ali increased by 48.7% in October compared with the same period last year.Sales in the liquid milk industry reached 479 million in October, up 48.7 percent, with white milk, yogurt and other products accounting for 67 percent, 31 percent and 2 percent, respectively. The sales of white milk was 320 million yuan, an increase of 73.7% over the same period last year, and the moving sales effect of Singles Day was good; the sales of yogurt was 148 million yuan, an increase of 16.3%, and the year-on-year growth rate was significantly faster than that of previous months. The average sales price of the liquid milk industry was 57.63 yuan, down 6.3% from the same period last year, and 1.2% month-on-month growth from August to October.

  • Liquor industry: the front of Singles Day promotion leads to a high increase in liquor sales.

Double Day holiday was pre-sold in advance, and liquor increased by 77.2% in October.In October 2018, the total sales of online liquor of Ali series was 259 million yuan, an increase of 77.2%. The pre-sale of liquor double 11 started from October 20, and the promotion was advanced. Sales of high-end liquor Maotai / Wuliangye / laojiao reached 19.27 million yuan / 18.29 million yuan / 13.34 million yuan, an increase of 78.0% / 74.5% / 242.3% respectively. Among the secondary high-end and popular wines, Yanghe / Fenjiu / Niulanshan achieved sales of 10.78 million yuan / 9.83 million yuan / 7.66 million yuan, respectively, an increase of 71.8%, 82.5% and 66.0% respectively.

3. Risk factors

Weakening consumer demand, food safety risks, industry policy risks.

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