
训修实业(01962.HK)中期纯利减少23.8%至2340万港元 中期息1.7港仙

Medium-term net profit of Xunxiu Industrial (01962.HK) decreased by 23.8% to HK$23.4 million, medium-term interest of HK1.7 cents

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 24, 2022 21:35

Glonghui, August 24, 丨 Xiu Xiu Industrial (01962.HK) announced that for the six months ended June 30, 2022, the company's revenue was HK$542 million, a slight decrease of 1.2% from the same period in 2021; net profit for the period was HK$23.4 million, a decrease of 23.8% over the same period in 2021, mainly due to (1) the increase in shipping costs since the pandemic; (2) the increase in depreciation expenses after the construction project of expanding production facilities in Bangladesh was carried over into property, plant and equipment; and (3) salary and employee benefits increased due to annual salary increases and payment bonuses. The Board declared an interim dividend of HK1.7 cents per share for the period (30 June 2021: HK1.3 cents per share).

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