
财富趋势(688318):C端业务表现亮眼 B端收款延迟拖累收入

Wealth Trends (688318): C-side business performance is impressive, B-side payment delays drag down revenue

中金公司 ·  Aug 24, 2022 09:31  · Researches

1H22 performance is slightly lower than we expected.

The company announced 1H22 results: operating income from-8% to 120 million yuan, net profit from 19% to 95.97 million yuan, and net profit from non-return from 15% to 79.77 million yuan, corresponding to 1.03 yuan per share. The single-quarter revenue of 2Q22 ranges from + 3% / month-on-month + 43% to 68.98 million yuan, and the net profit returned to the mother is-23% / month-on-month + 14% to 51.13 million yuan, which is slightly lower than our expectation. This is mainly due to the delay in settlement and collection of some B-end projects caused by the epidemic.

Trend of development

C-end business performance is outstanding, B-side collection delay is the main drag on the income side. The company's 1H22 operating income is from-8% to 120 million yuan year-on-year, of which: 1) C-end securities information service revenue from + 21% to 32.57 million yuan year-on-year, accounting for + 7ppt to 28% of the income ratio. In addition, Questmobile statistics access letter App1H22 average MAU year-on-year + 81% to 1.06 million people Mainly benefiting from the increase in investor demand for financial information services under the relatively active market (1H22 A stock market ADT + 7% to 976 billion yuan compared with the same period last year), the company relies on the platform and technical advantages of B-end business to vigorously develop C-end business. 2) the total revenue from the sales and maintenance services of the B-end securities market trading system is-16% to 83.29 million yuan compared with the same period last year (the revenue from software sales / software maintenance services is-8% compared with the same period last year). This is mainly due to the impact of the epidemic and the delay in settlement and collection of the projects of some B-end customers. In addition, in terms of key operating indicators, the cash received for the sale of goods and services during the period is-21% to 99.52 million yuan compared with the same period last year, and the final contract liabilities of 2Q22 & accounts received in advance are + 7% to 110 million yuan from the same period last year, or support steady future revenue growth.

The strength of R & D has been continuously consolidated, and the decline in investment income is a drag on net profit. 1H22 company gross profit margin year-on-year-3.8ppt to 80.4%, mainly due to the increase in the proportion of C-end business with relatively low gross profit margin; sales expense rate / management expense rate is 1.9%, 3.8%, respectively, maintaining a relatively low level, R & D expenditure year-on-year + 36% to 27.79 million yuan, R & D expenditure rate + 7.6ppt to 24%, R & D personnel ratio + 4.7ppt to 72%, the company's R & D strength continues to consolidate. Affected by market fluctuations, investment-related income (investment income + fair value change income + financial income) total year-on-year-7% to 44.86 million yuan; in addition, the company effective tax rate-0.7ppt to 12.9% year-on-year. To sum up, the 1H22 net profit of the company is-19% to 95.97 million yuan, and the corresponding net interest rate is-10.8ppt to 81.8% compared with the same period last year.

Profit forecast and valuation

Taking into account the impact of market fluctuations on the company's B-end business and investment income, as well as the increase in R & D expenses, we reduced the profit by 17% of 2022% in 2023 to RMB 272 million. The company is currently trading on 34x/28x 2022max 2023e Pmax E; reduces its target price by 13% to RMB130, corresponding to 45x/38x2022/2023e Pamp E and 34% upside; and maintains an outperforming industry rating.


The activity of the stock market is declining, the business and customer structure is single, and the supervision of securities information system is stricter.

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