

000958.SZ plans to reorganize and integrate assets related to the energy sector.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 23, 2022 20:40

Zhitong Finance and Economics APP News, Power production Finance (000958.SZ) announcement that the company intends to take November 30, 2022 as the base date, all the business and related assets, liabilities and personnel related to the energy sector owned by the parent company except the long-term equity investment in the State Power Investment Group Capital Holdings Limited ("Capital Holdings"). According to the book value of the base date, it is freely transferred to the wholly-owned subsidiary Oriental Green Energy (Hebei) Co., Ltd. ("Oriental Green Energy"). The changes in assets and liabilities that occur during the transfer period (from the base date to the delivery date) will be realistically adjusted and transferred based on the delivery date. After the completion of this internal restructuring, the company will manage the two business sectors of energy and finance through wholly-owned subsidiary Oriental Green Energy and capital holding.

It is reported that the company intends to carry out internal reorganization and integration of the branches, subsidiaries, shareholding shares and business subjects involved in the energy sector, in order to further promote the development of the company's "energy + finance" double main business, and strengthen the efficient and coordinated operation between industry and finance. optimize the internal resources and asset structure, improve the dual-main business equity structure and management structure, achieve professional management, and improve the efficiency of the company's operation and management.

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