
训修实业(01962.HK)拟1000万港元出售Evergreen Ukraine Investment全部股权

Xunxiu Industrial (01962.HK) plans to sell all of Evergreen Ukraine Investment's shares for HK$10 million

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 19, 2022 20:55

Gelonghui, August 19, 丨 Xunxiu Industrial (01962.HK) announced that on August 19, 2022, the seller Xunxiu Products Factory Co., Ltd. (a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of the company) and the buyer Xinchuang (Group)The limited company will trade the interests to be sold (accounting for all of the shares of the target company Evergreen Ukraine Investment Limited)An agreement was entered into with the sale and transfer of the debt to be sold at a cost of HK$10 million.

The target companies are mainly engaged in providing digital marketing services in Ukraine. The target company owns a property in Ukraine that is used as a digital marketing and photography studio.

The company believes that the sale gave the Group an opportunity to cash out its investments in the target company and enabled the Group to reallocate capital to the Group's general working capital.

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