
恒驰汽车拥有近60家企业实控权 恒驰总裁否认被并购

Hengchi has the actual control of nearly 60 enterprises, and the president of Hengchi denies being acquired.

金融界 ·  Aug 18, 2022 20:11

For Hengchi car may be acquired, Tianjin plant shutdown and other news, Hengchi Automobile President Liu Yongzhao responded on the 18th that there is no such thing as a merger, Tianjin factory shutdown is a rumor.

According to App, Evergrande New Energy Automobile Investment holding Group Co., Ltd. was established in January 2019, with legal representative Liu Jun and registered capital of 3.5 billion US dollars. Evergrande New Energy vehicle Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. and Hengda Hengchi New Energy vehicle (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. hold 99.4% and 0.6% respectively.

Foreign investment shows that Evergrande New Energy vehicle Investment holding Group Co., Ltd. invested in 29 enterprises, including Evergrande Hengchi New Energy vehicle Research Institute (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Evergrande Ruibo Power Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Hengchi New Energy vehicle sales Co., Ltd., etc., most of its investment companies are registered in Guangdong, mainly automobile-related technology and sales companies. At present, through direct and indirect control, the group has the actual control of nearly 60 enterprises.

In addition, its grandson company Evergrande New Energy vehicle (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. was established in June 2015 with a registered capital of 4.1 billion yuan and has five wholly-owned subsidiaries. Risk information shows that the company has been executed a total of more than 350 million yuan, and associated with a number of equity freeze information.

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