Zimplats Holdings Limited (ASX:ZIM) declared a final dividend on Monday, August 15th, MarketIndexAU reports. Stockholders of record on Wednesday, September 7th will be paid a dividend of 1.565 per share on Wednesday, September 7th. This represents a dividend yield of 5.32%. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, August 18th. This is a positive change from Zimplats's previous final dividend of $1.07.
Zimplats Price Performance
The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.10, a quick ratio of 7.04 and a current ratio of 8.94.
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Zimplats Company Profile
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Zimplats Holdings Limited, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the production of platinum and associated metals mined from the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe. The company produces platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, and ruthenium, as well as nickel, gold, copper, cobalt, and silver deposits. It operates mines in Ngezi.
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