
美股异动 | 中概新能源车股盘前下跌

Us stocks change | China New Energy vehicle stocks fell before the market.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 16, 2022 17:20
Li Auto Inc. fell 3.2% before the day's trading, XPeng Inc. fell 2.7%, and NIO Inc. fell 1%. On the news, Li Auto Inc. released his results for the second quarter of 2022 on the 15th, with a revenue of 8.73 billion yuan, compared with 5.04 billion yuan in the same period last year, with a market expectation of 7.99 billion yuan, a net loss of 618 million yuan, an expected market loss of 724 million yuan, and a loss of 235 million yuan in the same period last year.

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