
港股异动 | 中国太保(02601)涨超5%领涨内险股 机构称寿险业务降幅逐季收窄 产险景气度上行

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China Pacific Insurance (02601) rose more than 5%, leading insurers to say that the decline in life insurance business narrowed the upside of property insurance every quarter.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 11, 2022 14:30

Zhitong Financial APP learned that domestic insurance stocks rose in the afternoon. As of press time, China Pacific Insurance (02601) rose 4.77% to HK $16.68; China Taiping (00966) rose 2.93% to HK $8.08; Ping An Insurance (02318) rose 2.75% to HK $44.9; New China Life Insurance (01336) rose 2.68% to HK $18.40.

Galaxy Securities pointed out that due to the decline in the base, the adjustment of product sales strategy and the gradual stabilization of the team of agents, the decline in core business indicators of life insurance of insurance companies narrowed quarter by quarter, and the margin of debt improved. Affected by the relief of the epidemic and the increase in the stimulus policy of automobile consumption, the production dangerous scene is on the rise. At present, the valuation of the insurance sector is historically low and has a high margin of safety, so it is recommended to pay attention to the value of allocation.

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