
港股异动 | 鸿腾精密跌9% 中期纯利逊先前预期

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Hongteng Precision fell 9% medium-term net profit was previously expected.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 10, 2022 10:15
Hong Teng Precision (6088.HK) fell 9.16% to HK $1.17 on August 10, with a total market capitalization of HK $85. Hongteng Precision Technology reported interim results for the six months ended June on Aug. 9, with revenue of $2.101 billion, up 6 per cent from a year earlier. Net profit was $85.12 million, an increase of 8.2 times, or 1.23 cents per share. No interim interest. Hongteng had earlier reported that the medium-term net profit had increased at least 9 times, and this performance was lower than expected.

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