
理文化工(00746)发布中期业绩 溢利同比上升51.8%至8.91亿港元 每股派38港仙

Science, Culture and Technology (00746) announced interim results, profit increased 51.8% year over year to HK$891 million and paid 38 HK cents per share

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 8, 2022 12:15

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Science and Technology (00746) announced its 2022 interim results. Revenue rose 43.1% year on year to HK$3.251 billion, profit during the period rose 51.8% year on year to HK$891 million. Basic profit per share was HK$108 cents, and the interim dividend was HK38 cents per share.

In terms of the chemical business, during the review period, the domestic epidemic became tense for a while. All provinces and cities had different forms of control measures, affecting the manufacturing supply chain. It also made transportation arrangements for raw materials and manufactured products very challenging. Transportation costs also increased markedly. In line with the epidemic prevention regulations, the production capacity of factories in different industries was clearly limited or even shut down, driving the market prices of industrial raw materials such as chemical products to remain high. The group also benefited from this. In terms of property business, the group sold 19 more “Xinyue Creek” residential units during the review period, from property sales revenue of about HK$27 million during the period under review.

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