
三季度全球清洁能源投资669亿美元 同比增长40%

Global clean energy investment of US$66.9 billion in the third quarter increased 40% year-on-year

新浪美股 ·  Oct 20, 2017 14:07

Sina US Stock News reported on the 20th, Beijing time, that Bloomberg Renewable Energy Finance (BNEF) data showed that in the third quarter of 2017, global clean energy investment reached 66.9 billion US dollars, an increase of 3% over the second quarter of 2017 and a 40% increase over the third quarter of 2016.

According to data from July to September, up to now, total clean energy investment in 2017 increased 2% over the same period last year, which means that the total investment for the full year of 2017 is likely to be close to or slightly ahead of 2016's 287.5 billion US dollars.

The scale of financing for power plant-grade renewable energy projects increased 72% over the same period last year to reach US$54.3 billion.

The total amount of global wind power investment in the third quarter of 2017 reached 34.3 billion US dollars, the highest level since the second quarter of 2016, leading PV investment of 30.5 billion US dollars.

Currently, the most notable transaction in the third quarter of 2017 is the $4.5 billion Wind Catcher project (2GW) in the Panhandle region of Oklahoma, USA.

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