
港股异动 | 手游股部分上涨 69款国产网游获批 版号发放趋于常态化

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Mobile games are up in part. The release of approved version numbers of 69 domestic online games tends to be normal.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 3, 2022 11:10
On August 3, IGG rose 4.4%, NetEase, Inc rose 2%, Tencent increased about 2%, Bilibili Inc. and Friendship time both increased.
On August 1, the State Press and publication Administration announced the approval information of domestic online games in August 2022, and a total of 69 games received version numbers. Since June this year, domestic game version numbers have been issued for three months in a row. This is the fourth batch of version numbers issued this year, only 19 days after the last batch. Compared with the number of the first three batches this year (45, 60, 67 respectively), there is also a steady growth trend.
Zhongyuan Securities believes that the regular release of game version numbers will help to ease market concerns about version numbers, and with the increase in the number of new products on the line, the market boom is likely to pick up.

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