
昊海生物科技(06826.HK)遭Kabouter Management LLC减持8.46万股

Haohai Biotechnology (06826.HK) lost 84600 shares by Kabouter Management LLC

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 2, 2022 06:40

Gelonghui, August 2-according to the latest disclosure of rights and interests of the Stock Exchange, on July 27th, 2022, Haohai Biotechnology (06826.HK) was reduced by Kabouter Management LLC at an average price of HK $35.66 per share, involving an investment of about HK $3.0168 million.

After the reduction, the latest number of shares held by Kabouter Management LLC is 2.89045 million shares, which decreased from 8.19 per cent to 7.96 per cent.

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