
绿色动力环保(01330.HK)遭Tenbagger Capital减持10.5万股

Green Power Environmental Protection (01330.HK) was reduced by 105000 shares by Tenbagger Capital

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 21, 2022 06:30

According to the latest disclosure of rights and interests of the Stock Exchange, Green Power Environmental Protection (01330.HK) was hit on July 18, 2022.Tenbagger Capital Management CO.,LTDReduced its holdings of 105000 shares at an average price of HK $3.155 per share, involving a capital of about HK $331300.

After reduction, Tenbagger Capital Management CO.,LTDThe latest number of shares is 40.34 million shares, down from 10.00 per cent to 9.98 per cent.

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