
中滙集团(00382.HK)授出购股权 可认购合共最多1144.94万股

Zhonghui Group (00382.HK) grants share options that can subscribe for a total of up to 114.494 million shares

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 15, 2022 22:50

Gelonghui July 15 丨Zhonghui Group (00382.HK) announced that on July 15, 2022, the company will grant share options to 25 eligible share rights grantees under the share option plan to subscribe for a total of 11,449,440 shares according to the share option plan, subject to their acceptance; and 81,448 bonus shares (all existing shares) to 1 reward share holder of the share award scheme, subject to their acceptance.

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