

Green Power (601330.SH) will pay a cash dividend of 0.10 yuan per share on July 21.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 14, 2022 20:55

Zhitong Financial APP News, Green Power (601330.SH) issued an announcement that the company's profit distribution is based on 1.393 billion shares of the company's total share capital before the implementation of the plan, with a cash dividend of 0.10 yuan per share (including tax), with a total cash dividend of 139 million yuan. The date of equity registration is 2022-7-20 and the date of excluding rights (interest) is 2022-7-21. The target of distribution is all A-share shareholders of the Company registered with the Shanghai Branch of China Securities Registration and Clearing Co., Ltd. after the closing of the Shanghai Stock Exchange as of the afternoon of the equity registration date.

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