
风口行业 | 深度挖掘游戏直播背景与趋势

Frontier Industry | Dig deeper into the background and trends of live game streaming

富途资讯 ·  Oct 12, 2018 17:17

Edited by Ai Rui Consulting "2018 China Game Live Market Research report"

Editor's note: the game live broadcast market in 2018 has intensified the competition in the industry with the listing of the head game live broadcast platform, and the industry as a whole is also facing further integration. In addition, not only the competition within the industry has further intensified, external entertainment platforms such as short video platforms have also realized e-sports content traffic by cutting into game live streaming.

1. The development background of China's game live broadcast industry.

  • The market scale is growing steadily, and the industry is on the right track.

The market scale of Chinese game live broadcast platform is growing rapidly. Thanks to the diversified revenue of the platform and the operation of the show, the revenue of the game live broadcast platform will continue to grow at a high speed.


  • The income of live broadcast platform tends to be diversified.

As the game live broadcast platform continues to develop new revenue models, the platform income is gradually diversified.Although reward revenue still accounts for about 90% of the platform's revenue in 2017, with the development of advertising and game intermodal transport business, the proportion of reward revenue will gradually decline, while the share of other revenue will continue to increase. Among themGame intermodal transport service will become the next major growth point.


  • The number of users keeps growing.

In 2017, the overall scale of game live streaming users in China showed explosive growth, and the main growth came from the transformation of mobile e-sports game users.As the market becomes saturated, it is expected that the growth rate of game live broadcast users will gradually slow down in the next few years.


  • 95% of the VJ subscriptions are less than 2000, and small rewards account for the absolute number.

According to the Xiao Hulu list, the number of anchor subscriptions on China's game live streaming platform was less than 2000 in December 2017. In contrast, among the anchors with a number of TOP10000 subscriptions, more than 91% of the amount of reward given by a single fan to the anchor is less than 10 yuan.


2. The development trend of China's game live broadcast industry.

  • Content trend-self-owned events become the focus of live content, mainly project events

In addition to the top international events, the game live broadcast platform has invested in the production of its own events in order to obtain exclusive content in order to gain a stronger content lineup.With the continuous competition of game live broadcast platforms, it is expected that each platform will continue to launch self-made e-sports events with a quality not inferior to that of top e-sports events.The quality of the event will determine the success or failure of the content of the future live war.


  • Platform Competition trend-- Co-existence of eruption Competition and Cooperation in online Entertainment Industry

With the continuous growth of the game live broadcast industry, the competition of game live broadcast is not limited to the industry, but will face more competition from other forms of online entertainment, such as the recent popular short video platform, which greatly takes up the online entertainment time of the overall Internet users. Although the unique live broadcast form of game live broadcast has the characteristics of high immersion and time-consuming, and has a certain resistance to the new forms of entertainment, it has also been affected to a certain extent. On the other hand, a large number of highlights in live streaming can be transmitted to the outside world by means of short videos, thus transforming short video viewers into game live broadcast users.


  • The Development trend of platform Business-- further strengthen the Cooperation between Trade unions and Brokerage companies to increase platform income

Trade unions and brokerage companies bring the following advantages to the game live broadcast platform: first, trade unions and brokerage companies can help the platform manage and train a large number of anchors. Secondly, trade unions and brokerage companies carry out training and operational activities for their anchors in order to increase revenue.


  • The upstream development trend of the industry-- devoting itself to developing the third-party event IP to promote the commercialization of the event.

As an important part of the industrial chain, the content production company is not satisfied with being limited to the identity of the contractor, but intends to have a higher voice and commercialization ability in e-sports 's industrial chain by creating the event IP. With the development of the industry, a number of ornamental third-party events IP have emerged.The content production company takes the IP of these events as the core, provides a comprehensive advertising business that integrates its e-sports resources, further enhances the commercialization ability of the event, and provides higher value to advertisers.


The translation is provided by third-party software.

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