
HM INTL HLDGS(08416)采纳股份奖励计划

HM INTL HLDGS (08416) adopts share incentive scheme

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 4, 2022 17:15

Zhitong Financial App News, HM INTL HLDGS (08416) issued an announcement that the board of directors of the company passed a resolution to adopt the share incentive scheme on July 4, 2022, which has come into effect immediately. The object and purpose of the share Award Scheme is to recognize and reward certain eligible participants for their contribution to the growth and development of the Group, and to reward them to retain their effectiveness in the continued operation and development of the Group; and to attract suitable talents for the further development of the Group.

Under the share Award Scheme, shares may be purchased by the trustee at the expense of the company, or new shares may be allotted and issued to the trustee in accordance with such general or special mandates as may be granted or to be granted from time to time by the shareholders in general meeting. The shares will be held on trust for the selected participants until the vesting criteria and conditions, if any, are met.

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