
国家卫健委印发指南加强入境人员排查 医药ETF持续拉升

The National Health and Health Commission issued guidelines to strengthen the investigation of immigrants, and pharmaceutical ETFs continue to rise

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 4, 2022 10:20

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on July 4, pharmaceutical ETFs picked up due to news that the National Health and Health Commission issued guidelines to strengthen the investigation of immigrants. As of press release, the Hang Seng Healthcare ETF (513060.SH) had risen more than 3%, while pharmaceutical ETFs (512010.SH) and biopharmaceutical ETFs (159839.SZ) had risen more than 2.5%.

On July 1, the National Health and Health Commission issued the “Technical Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Monkeypox (2022 Edition)”. The guidelines mentioned that during the current quarantine period for immigrants, while investigating COVID-19 infections, all regions should take the initiative to investigate the monkeypox virus on immigrants. In particular, those who reported monkeypox outbreaks within 21 days prior to entry with a history of domestic travel and residence, closely monitor the rash situation, detect suspicious persons or suspected cases, and promptly report them to disease control agencies in their jurisdictions and transfer them to designated medical institutions in accordance with relevant regulations.

Zhongtai Securities said that considering the current monkeypox outbreaks in many countries in Europe and the US, compounding domestic import risks, it focuses on test kit development and treatment related targets.

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