
无缝绿色(08150)发布年度业绩 净亏损1300万港元 同比增约16.1%

Seamless Green (08150) released an annual net loss of HK $13 million, an increase of about 16.1% over the same period last year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 4, 2022 07:10

Zhitong Financial APP News, Seamless Green (08150) released its annual results for the year ended December 31, 2021, achieving a total revenue of about HK $111 million, a decrease of about 22% over the same period last year; the company's owner's attributable loss was about HK $13 million, which increased by about 16.1% compared with the same period last year. Loss per share is HK0.83 cents.

During the reporting period, the group's LED and other related product departments achieved income of about HK $108 million, a decrease of about 22.3% over the same period last year. Weak consumer sentiment and market conditions still led customers to adopt conservative procurement plans, and production has not yet returned to the normal level before the epidemic.

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