
数据揭秘 | 6月北水都买了啥?大幅加仓汽车股,扫货理想汽车近64亿港元

Data disclosure | what did you buy in Beishui in June? Significantly increase the position of automobile stocks, sweep the goods ideal of nearly HK $6.4 billion

富途資訊 ·  Jul 1, 2022 10:00

Southward capital inflows accelerated in June, with a cumulative increase of HK $53.4 billion, a 16-month high.

Auto stocks were favored by Beishui this month, of which Li Auto Inc. received an increase of HK $6.378 billion, ranking first on the net buying list, and its share price soared more than 50% during the month. in addition, Geely Automobile and XPeng Inc.-W received a net purchase of HK $3.127 billion and HK $825 million respectively. Byd Company Limited and Guangzhou Automobile Group received a small net sale of HK $395 million and HK $65 million.

In additionNet buying aspectHong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, Kuaishou Technology-W and CNOOC Limited received a net purchase of HK $3.637 billion, HK $3.478 billion and HK $2.372 billion respectively. It is worth noting that the share price of New Oriental Education & Technology Group online has quadrupled this month, with a net purchase of 10.98.HK $100 million.

In terms of net sales, China Mobile Limited was sold by Beishui for more than HK $2.703 billion, ranking first in the net sales list, while Meituan-W and ANTA Sports Products were at the top of the net sales list, with net sales of HK $1.164 billion and HK $481 million respectively.

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