

Huabao International (00336): group members subscribe for 1.047 billion yuan of financial products from Xiamen International Bank.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 30, 2022 16:45

Zhitong Financial APP News, Huabao International (00336) issued a notice that the financial products provided by Xiamen International Bank have matured and the investment principal of the relevant financial products, together with interest, have been returned to the corresponding group member companies (including: Guangdong Jiahao, Jiahao Marketing, Warburg Peacock, Yingtan Warburg and Lhasa Warburg).

On June 30th, 2022, the total investment of these financial products subscribed by the Group members from Xiamen International Bank and which has not yet matured as at the date of this announcement is RMB 1.047 billion.

As at the date of this announcement, the Directors confirm that all other financial products subscribed from Xiamen International Bank have been redeemed in accordance with their respective terms except those financial products which have not yet matured, and the Group believes that these financial products will receive reasonable interest respectively; and these financial products will not have any adverse impact on the Group's financial position.

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