

National Energy Administration: strengthen the monitoring, analysis and coordination of thermal coal inventory

金十數據 ·  Jun 29, 2022 17:08

Jinshi data, June 29, under the guidance of the State Energy Administration, the Power Security Management and Culture Forum jointly sponsored by China Energy Media Group Co., Ltd. and North China Electric Power University was held in the Energy Valley of Changping Future Science City, Beijing. Yu Bing, member of the party leading group and deputy director of the State Energy Administration, demanded that the string of power security and supply should be tightened at all times, do a good job in forecasting and balancing power supply and demand, effectively give full play to the role of large power grids, and strictly review and implement orderly power consumption plans. It is necessary to strengthen the monitoring, analysis and coordination of the inventory of power coal, and strictly prevent its output from being hindered by the supply and quality of power coal. It is necessary to strictly enforce dispatching discipline, strengthen unit operation, maintenance and non-stop management, reduce unplanned outages, and strictly prohibit random downtime without justifiable reasons.

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