
WANG ON GROUP(01222.HK)年度母公司拥有人应占亏损净额3.05亿港元

WANG ON GROUP (01222.HK) annual parent company owners should account for a net loss of HK$305 million

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 29, 2022 06:21

Gelonghui June 29th 丨WANG ON GROUP (01222.HK) announced that for the year ended March 31, 2022, realized revenue of HK$1,856 million, down 3.2% year on year; gross profit of HK$806 million, up 4.8% year on year; net loss due to parent company owners was HK$305 million; net profit due to parent company owners in the same period last year was HK$124 million; basic loss of HK$2.06 cents per share.

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