
中金公司(601995.SH):减持数过半 海尔金盈累计减持9355万股A股

China International Capital Corporation (601995.SH): Haier Jinying has reduced its holdings of 93.55 million A shares by more than half.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 28, 2022 18:41

China International Capital Corporation (601995.SH) announced that on June 28, 2022, the company received a "notice on the reduction of more than half of its holdings" issued by Haier Jinying, a shareholder with a stake of more than 5%. After the start of the reduction plan, Haier Jinying has reduced its holdings by more than half. During the period from June 20, 2022 to June 28, 2022, Haier Jinying sold a total of 93.55 million A-shares of the company through block transactions, accounting for 1.94% of the company's total share capital. The reduction plan has not yet been completed.

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