
美股异动 | 知乎(ZH.US)盘前涨6% 昨日回购4.3万股

Changes in US stocks | Zhihu Inc. (ZH.US) rose 6 per cent before trading yesterday to buy back 43000 shares

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 28, 2022 16:32
On June 28th, Zhihu Inc. (ZH.US) rose 6.06% to US $2.10 before trading. On June 27, 2022, the company bought back 42950 shares on the New York Stock Exchange at a repurchase price of $3.95 to $3.96 for a total payment of $170005. In addition, Zhihu Inc. 's Hong Kong shares have been repurchased for three consecutive days since their listing, accumulating a total of 24400 shares.

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