
美股异动 | BioNTech(BNTX.US)涨超3% 与辉瑞(PFE.US)合作开发新疫苗针对奥密克戎有效

Changes in US stocks | BioNTech (BNTX.US) rose more than 3% in cooperation with Pfizer Inc (PFE.US) to develop a new vaccine that is effective against O'Micron.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 27, 2022 21:45

BioNTech SE (BNTX.US) rose 3.22% to $138.357 as of the start of trading on Monday, according to Zhitong Financial APP. Earlier, Pfizer Inc (PFE.US) and BioNTech announced that two new vaccines jointly developed could significantly improve the protective effectiveness against Omicron. Preliminary laboratory studies showed that the updated vaccine was also effective against BA.4 and BA.5 strains.

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