
港股异动 | 中国心连心化肥(1866.HK)午后一度大涨超14% 创月内新高

Hong Kong stocks change | China Heart-to-Heart Chemical Fertilizer (1866.HK) rose more than 14% in the afternoon to reach a monthly high.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 27, 2022 14:30
At one point in the afternoon, China Xinlianxin Chemical Fertilizer (1866.HK) rose more than 14%. It is now at a monthly high of HK $6.26, with a total market capitalization of HK $7.688 billion.
The company announced on Friday night that unaudited comprehensive net profit in the first quarter of 2022 was about 520 million yuan, up 88 per cent from a year earlier. During the period, the epidemic, supply chain tensions and the war between Russia and Ukraine caused food and energy prices to soar in the first quarter. The prices of chemical fertilizers and petrochemical-related products have also risen.
In addition, the group's production capacity has reached a new milestone. Anxin International has said that thanks to the rise in urea prices, the high prosperity of the industry continues, and the heart-to-heart performance of 22 years will maintain rapid growth.

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