

China Construction Bank Corporation (00939) elected Wang Yung-ching for a second term as Supervisor.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 24, 2022 16:45

Zhitong Financial APP, China Construction Bank Corporation (00939) announced the resolution of the meeting of the board of supervisors.

The meeting examined and adopted a motion on nominating Wang Yongqing for re-election as supervisor of China China Construction Bank Corporation Co., Ltd., a motion on nominating a member of the due diligence supervision committee of the board of supervisors, and a motion on nominating a member of the financial and internal control supervision committee of the board of supervisors.

According to the above-mentioned motion, this meeting elected Wang Yongqing for a second term as director of the bank. This meeting approved Wang Yongqing and Zhao Xijun as members of the due diligence Supervision Committee of the supervisory board of the bank. This meeting approved Zhao Xijun as a member of the Finance and Internal Control Supervision Committee of the board of supervisors of the bank.

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