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Individual stock opportunities | New retail trends rally, how can Hema Xiansheng take the lead

富途资讯 ·  Sep 26, 2018 15:33

Edited by China Merchants: "establishing a New Zero supply relationship and leading the Reform of the Retail Industry"

There are many problems in Chinese traditional retail industry, such as unbalanced zero supply relationship, lagging commodity research and development, homogeneous competition and so on, which still lags far behind the development level of foreign retail industry. Under the situation of the new retail, Box Horse proposes to establish a new zero-supply relationship with the buyer as the center, reshape the upstream and downstream supply chain system, and make the zero-supply relationship from game to win-win cooperation.

China Merchants pointed out that traditional retailers take advantage of terminal advantages to gain the dominance of circulation channels, exercise vertical control over suppliers, and rely on high-frequency and multi-item channel fees to increase profits, while mature suppliers often take rent-seeking behavior in order to safeguard their own interests. establish a series of grey systems and develop multi-channel strategies to maintain their privileges. The problem of zero supply relationship not only breeds some corruption problems of retailers, but also suppresses the survival and development of small and medium-sized suppliers and reduces the efficiency of the overall retail supply chain system.


The proportion of self-owned brands of Chinese retail enterprises is less than 10%, and there is a significant gap with Europe and the United States, so it is difficult to improve gross profit with the help of commodities to form a competitive advantage. The homogenization of goods and stores is obvious, which leads to price war as the main mode of competition, which makes it difficult to guarantee product quality and consumer experience.



The essence of retail will never change, the core three points: more choice, cheaper, faster and more convenient. These three points are also the three principles that Hema always revolves around in the development of new retail. In terms of category richness, Hema Xiansheng ensures the industry-leading SKU quantity (SKU refers to a product, each model has a SKU to facilitate e-commerce brand identification of goods. ), to provide consumers with more choices; in terms of price, box horses establish partnerships with suppliers through supply chain reengineering, and ensure the performance-to-price ratio of goods through the compression and cancellation of intermediate links; in terms of convenience, box horses use Internet technology, modern logistics technology and so on to provide consumers with maximum convenience.

20180900747696f56dfd27b2b.pngAt the latest supplier conference, Box Horse proposed to establish a new zero supply system. Buyer system is not only an important means to resolve the contradiction of zero supply relationship, but also an effective way to improve the current potential problems in the retail industry. Through the buyer system, the responsibilities of both parties can be made clear, which makes it the common goal of both sides to meet the needs of consumers. Suppliers provide quality and affordable products, box horses to reduce unnecessary channel costs, box horses and suppliers to establish a strategic partnership, gradually participate in investment, form an integrated ecosystem, symbiosis and co-prosperity. In the future, we will gradually realize the buyout management of fresh products and even standard products.


Box Horse hopes to comprehensively promote the supply-side reform of the agricultural industry with the help of the new retail, so that agricultural products can be sold at a good price, and consumers can enjoy high-quality agricultural products. Box Horse plans to enter all China's first-and second-tier cities and developed prefecture-level cities in 2021, serving 300 million consumers.


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