
交银国际(03329.HK)向合伙企业Lingang Brilliant Investment Limited Partnership认缴出资总额4.75亿元

BOCOM International (03329.HK) pledged a total investment of 475 million yuan to the partnership company Lingang Brilliant Investment Limited Partnership

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 22, 2022 20:00

Gelonghui, June 22丨BOCOM International (03329.HK) announced that on June 22, 2022, the company separately entered into partnership agreements with the general partner and Lingang Overseas, and a subscription agreement with the general partner. According to this, the company shall, as a limited partner, pledge a total investment of RMB 475 million to the partnership company Lingang Brilliant Investment Limited Partnership in accordance with the terms and conditions of the transaction agreement.

The purpose of a partnership is to seek capital appreciation by providing loans to any Chinese state-owned enterprise in accordance with and subject to the other terms of the partnership agreement.

The directors believe that the transaction provides a good investment opportunity for the Group to further diversify the Group's portfolio and bring stable income to the Group.

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