
港股异动 | 澳优(1717.HK)涨约5% 获北水连续7日增持

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | 1717.HK is up about 5% to increase its holdings in Beishui for seven consecutive days

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 22, 2022 15:05
Gelong Exchange (1717.HK) rose about 5% against the trend on June 22nd to HK $7.76, with a total market capitalization of more than HK $14 billion.
Yesterday, southward funds increased their holdings of Aoyou 91000 shares, recording an increase of 7 consecutive days. As of the 21st close, Hong Kong stocks held a total of 19.9621 million shares in the company. In addition, before the company was included in the MSCI China mini index, the market attention increased.

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