
港股细价煤炭股遇资金爆炒:弘海高新资源涨超200% 绿领控股涨100%

Fine-priced coal stocks in Hong Kong stocks were bursting with capital: Honghai Hi-Tech Resources rose more than 200%, Green Collar Holdings rose 100%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 22, 2022 09:45  · Movers

Gelonghui June 22丨Continuing from yesterday$South-South Resources (01229.HK) $After surging more than 17 times during the intraday period, many low-priced coal stocks in the Hong Kong stock market were also bursting with capital today.$Honghai Hi-Tech Resources (00065.HK) $An increase of 240%,$Green Collar Holdings (00061.HK) $It rose more than 110%, and South - South Africa resources rose more than 50% in the intraday period today.$Jiutai Bangda Energy (02798.HK) $Up 33%,$Silk Road Energy (08250.HK) $A 23% increase,$MONGOLIAN ENERGY (00276.HK) $Up 12%.

According to the news, as the “gas outage” crisis worsened, many European countries took a backward path and turned their attention to coal, which they had previously planned to eliminate. Among them, the Dutch government stated that in order to cope with the energy crisis, it plans to lift the production cap of coal-fired power plants. In addition to the Netherlands, many European countries such as Germany, Italy, and Austria are competing to find alternative energy sources and increase the supply of coal to cope with a possible energy crisis in winter.

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