
港股异动 | 维亚生物(01873)涨超12%领涨生物医药股 机构看好中国生物医药企业关注度提升

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | via Bio (01873) rose more than 12%, leading biomedical stocks to be optimistic about the increase in the attention of Chinese biomedical companies.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 21, 2022 13:40

Zhitong Financial APP learned that biomedical stocks were among the biggest gainers today, with via Bio (01873) up 12.4% to HK $2.81, Kang Fang Bio-B (09926) up 11.84% to HK $21.45, Tengsheng Bo Medicine-B (02137) up 8.92% to HK $8.91, and Rongchang Bio (09995) up 7.86% to HK $37.75.

China Merchants International Development and Research reported that at this year's ASCO meeting, a total of 11 abstracts related to innovative drugs were selected by Chinese biomedical companies into the oral report section of the conference (5 of which were PD-x products). With the reading of positive data at the 2022 ASCO meeting, the bank noticed a rebound in market sentiment towards China's biomedical industry. The bank pointed out that as the market pays more and more attention to Chinese biomedical companies, the bank continues to be strategically optimistic about the pharmaceutical sub-section.

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