
美股太阳能板块集体大涨 近日白宫与太阳能企业举行会谈以推动太阳能电池板美国制造

Us solar stocks soared recently, the White House held talks with solar companies to promote the manufacture of solar panels in the United States.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 17, 2022 23:45
On June 17, Gelong Exchange, the US solar energy sector collectively rose, with Sunrun and SunPower up 7%, Renesola Ltd and first Solar up 5%, and Canadian Solar Inc up 4%. White House officials discussed Tuesday with solar companies about the Biden administration's plan to promote the manufacture of solar panels in the United States and reverse the dependence on imports for domestic clean energy projects, according to market news. The meeting aims to clarify Biden's plans to use the Defense production Act to promote domestic manufacturing of solar panels, according to people familiar with the matter.

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