
乐氏国际控股(01529.HK)拟折价18.5%配股 最多筹1128万港元用于发展中医药业务

Roxy's International Holdings (01529.HK) plans to allocate shares at a discount of 18.5% to raise up to HK$11.28 million to develop the traditional Chinese medicine business

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 15, 2022 22:35

Gelonghui June 15 丨Roxy International Holdings (01529.HK) announced that on June 15, 2022, the company entered into a placement agreement with the placement agent. According to this, the company plans to place up to 80 million shares of placement to no less than six contractors, accounting for the company's shares after the expansion8.30%. Placement price per shareHK$0.141, compared to closing price on June 15The discount is approximately 18.5%.

Assuming that all placement shares are placed, the total amount of proceeds from the placement is expected to be HK$11.28 million, while the net proceeds from the placement are expected to be approximately HK$1.05 million. The company intends to use all net proceeds from the placement to develop the traditional Chinese medicine business.

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