
港股异动 | 中国春来涨7% 本科院校招生额同比增34%~170%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | the enrollment of undergraduate colleges and universities has risen by 7% since spring in China, an increase of 34% to 170% compared with the same period last year.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 15, 2022 09:40
On June 15, 1969.HK rose 7.66% to HK $2.25, with a total market capitalization of HK $2.7 billion. The company announced that the enrollment places of the group's undergraduate colleges and universities in 2022 and 2023 have been approved. As one of the leading providers of private higher education in China, the Group has been approved to significantly increase the number of places for undergraduate colleges and universities to be promoted to this major in the 2022 academic year. According to the announcement, the enrollment of undergraduate colleges and universities of the group has increased significantly by 89% compared with last year. The group's undergraduate institutions have increased their enrollment by between 34% and 170%. The substantial increase in enrollment places is due to the government's policy of expanding the scale of higher education; the Group's track record of providing high-quality private higher education and industry reputation helps the Group to apply for higher enrollment places; and the Group's new institutions, new and expanded campuses have enabled it to achieve scale growth.

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