
风口行业 | 新Iphone给手机产业链刮来新的“东风”

Frontier industry | The new Iphone brings a new “Dongfeng” to the mobile phone industry chain

富途资讯 ·  Sep 14, 2018 18:35

Edited by Oriental Securities, "the new iPhone technology has obvious advantages, and smartwatch sales can be expected."

Editor's note: Apple Inc's new product launch was held at the Jobs Theater on Sept. 13, unveiling three iPhone products: the iPhoneXs/iPhone Xs Max/iPhone Xr and the fourth-generation smartwatch Apple Watch Series 4.

Every update of iPhone can bring directional enlightenment to the whole mobile phone industry, so what changes and new trends in the industrial chain does this conference imply? This article explores the impact of Apple Inc's new functions on the mobile phone industry chain.

Oriental Securities believes that in the short and medium term, double glass, full screen, multi-camera, wireless charging, biometrics, AR and so on are expected to be rapidly popularized in the Android camp, driving the demand for smartphone replacement in the next few quarters, thereby promoting the further growth of the performance of the leading companies in the corresponding links.

1. Flexible OLED comprehensive screen leads the development direction of smartphone display screen.

According to WitsView, global shipments of full-screen smartphones in 2017 are close to 150 million, with a penetration rate of 10%.It is estimated that shipments of full-screen mobile phones are expected to reach 900 million units in 2020, with a penetration rate of more than 55%.

Flexible OLED with its thin, flexible, COP assembly characteristics makes the overall screen design easier to achieve, so mobile phone manufacturers are competing to increase the proportion of flexible OLED layout to lay the foundation for the rapid growth of comprehensive screen. According to data from third-party research institutionsGlobal shipments of flexible OLED panels for smartphones reached 160 million in 2017, and CAGR reached 88 per cent in the next four years.As an important application direction of flexible OLED, curved screen is expected to be carried in more and more smartphones.


2. With the advent of the wireless charging boom, the glass case has a broad prospect.

Apple Inc began to carry the wireless charging function in the iPhone 8Compact X last year, and the use of double-sided glass case is also an important sign that the wireless charging technology has been used in the new generation of iPhone. It is predicted that consumer electronics will usher in a wireless charging boom in the future.. According to IDC, the market for wireless charging transmitters and receivers will reach $550 million and $1.66 billion respectively in 2018, and the market for wireless charging technology for mobile phones and wearables will reach $600 million and $160 million, respectively.

At the same time, wireless charging will increase the demand for non-metallic housing, so we are optimistic about the application prospect of glass case + stainless steel frame. The new generation of iPhone is still equipped with double-sided 2.5D glass (front cover + housing) and metal middle frame. Consider the rapid penetration of glass cover and glass caseIt is estimated that the market space of 2.5D glass is expected to reach 40 billion yuan in 2020, while the emerging 3D glass market space is expected to exceed 70 billion yuan.


3. The market scale of 3D depth camera will expand rapidly.

Apple Inc continues to install the front 3D camera based on the structured light scheme in the three new iPhone products, which can achieve efficient and accurate face recognition, reflecting that the 3D camera technology has become more mature. Among the flagship models released by the Android camp this year, 3D cameras are also gradually being widely used. 3D depth camera is mainly composed of infrared emitter, infrared receiver, ambient light sensor, close range sensor and reflective sensor. Domestic enterprises in the industrial chain include San'an Optoelectronics, Lianchuang Electronics, Ofi Technology and so on.

According to forecasts from third-party Yole, the global market for 3D imaging and sensors will be 38% CAGR in 2016-2022, $1.83 billion in 2017, and more than $9 billion in 2022.Among them, consumer electronics is the fastest growing application market, with CAGR reaching 160% in 2016-2022 and will exceed $6 billion by 2022. Companies with leading layout will benefit from the development of the industry.


4. The rapid popularization of AR platform will promote the development of AR.

Since Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc-CL C released ARKit and ARCore respectively last year, the dilemma of AR hardware and software stalemate has been broken, and the growth space of AR has been opened. On the application side, ARKit and ARCore platforms greatly reduce the difficulty of application software development. A large number of preset basic algorithms, such as plane detection algorithm and depth awareness algorithm, enable developers to skip the initial development stage and focus on creating new features and attractive AR applications. At the same time, the AR platform also greatly reduces the hardware requirements of AR. According to the news released by Apple Inc, all iPhone or iPad with A9 and above processors and upgrading the system to iOS11 and above will support ARKit.

For iPhone terminals alone, the number of ARKit-supported terminals reached 500 million at the end of last year and is expected to reach 850 million by 2020.In the initial stage, the number of users of ARCore will be less than that of ARKit, but based on the huge number of users of Android, the number of users of ARCore will grow rapidly. According to Digi-time, the total number of users of the two will reach nearly 2 billion by 2021.


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