
高盛预计锂价拐点将至 专业人士直言:这不太可能

Goldman Sachs Group expects the inflection point of lithium price to come to professionals to say bluntly: this is unlikely.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 14, 2022 08:10

The APP of Zhitong Finance has learned that Goldman Sachs Group recently warned that the price of lithium would reverse this year as the supply of unconventional new resources outweighed demand, but professional bodies such as Benchmark Mineral Intelligence refuted this view.

Benchmark agrees that prices will fall from sky-high levels, but takes a more pessimistic view of the size and timing of supply. Lithium is a special chemical that includes traditional problems in the mining industry and additional challenges that may be faced by specialty chemical producers. According to historical records, the mining industry has performed poorly in meeting its production targets, and Goldman Sachs Group grossly underestimated the difficulty of adding new supplies because the complex technologies involved in the process of manufacturing battery components are increasing the risk of lithium supply.

It is understood that ALB.US 's shares rose 35% in may, making it the best performer in the s & p 500 for the month.

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