
BoardWare 博维智慧,来自澳门的IT服务商,再次递交招股书,拟香港IPO上市

BoardWare Intelligence, an IT service provider from Macau, has once again submitted a prospectus to be listed as an IPO in Hong Kong

瑞恩資本RyanbenCapital ·  Jun 13, 2022 11:31  · IPO

Source: Ryan Capital RyanbenCapital

Author: Ryanben Capital

图片June 9, 2022, from MacauBowei Smart Technology Co., Ltd.BoardWare Intelligence Technology Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Bowei wisdom") once again submit a prospectus on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for listing on the Hong Kong main board. This is another delivery table after its two failures on April 28, 2021 and December 9, 2021.


Link to Bowei's wisdom prospectus

Main business

Bowei wisdomIs one of the few IT service providers in Macau with technical capabilities and resources. As a leading company in Macau's IT solution market, it has been committed to providing reliable, end-to-end and high-quality enterprise IT solutions to customers (including world-renowned companies or institutions of telecommunications, media and technology, Macau gaming and hotels and the public sector) and undertaking famous IT projects for these customers. Covers professional IT services and hosting services. At the same time, the company also provides security hosting services to a number of Macau government agencies through the Information Security Operations Center, as well as the distribution and resale of hardware and software.

According to Frost Sullivan, by income in 2021,Bowei wisdomRanks first in the market for IT solutions in Macau, with a market share of 25.8 per cent.

图片Shareholder structure

According to the prospectus, in the pre-IPO ownership structure,Bowei wisdomThe controlling shareholder isZhou JiajunSir, he holds 83.037% of the shares.

Zhuhai Dahengqin Group(Zhuhai SASAC and Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance hold 90% and 10% respectively) hold 11.964% of the shares

Cui Shiping familyHold 4.999% of the shares.

图片Company performance

According to the prospectus, in the past three fiscal years, 2019, 2020 and 2021Bowei wisdomThe operating income was HK $503 million, HK $475 million and HK $534 million respectively, and the corresponding net profit was HK $25.219 million, HK $29.858 million and HK $24.003 million respectively.


Intermediary team

Bowei wisdomThe intermediary teams of IPO mainly include: China Tonghai Corporate Finance as its exclusive sponsor; PricewaterhouseCoopers as its auditor; Jingtian Gongcheng and he Wei as its company's Chinese lawyer and he Wei's Hong Kong lawyer respectively; Kindu as its securities firm's Chinese lawyer; Frost Sullivan as its industry consultant.


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