
港股异动 | 中汇集团(00382)午后涨超5% 板块迎多个催化剂 机构维持高职教板块看好评级

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Zhonghui Group (00382) rose more than 5% in the afternoon to welcome a number of catalyst institutions to maintain an optimistic rating in the higher vocational education sector.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 10, 2022 14:45

Zhitong Financial APP learned that Zhonghui Group (00382) rose more than 5% in the afternoon and rose 5.41% to HK $2.73 as of press time, with a turnover of HK $3.0167 million.

Shen Wanhongyuan said that the recent upward catalyst for the stock price of the higher vocational education sector includes: the enrollment plans of various university companies were released in June, with the increase in the number of students and average tuition fees maintaining a growth rate of more than 5%. Ensure that the growth of income in fiscal year 23 is more than 10%; substantial progress has been made in the selection of for-profit schools to ease market concerns about the market-oriented operation of schools. The bank maintains an optimistic rating on the higher vocational education sector of Hong Kong stocks, recommending attention to Zhonghui Group and so on.

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