
港股异动 | 餐饮股集体走低 奈雪的茶(02150)、九毛九(09922)均跌超5%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Catering stocks are collectively lower. Nai Xue's tea (02150) and 99 cents (09922) are all down more than 5%.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 9, 2022 14:25  · Movers

Source: Zhitong Finance and Economics

On June 9, catering stocks fell collectively in the afternoon, as of press time.$Nai Xue's tea (02150.HK) $Fell 4.97% to HK $6.12$99 (09922.HK) $Fell 4.73% to HK $17.72$00520.HK (quack) $It fell 3.86% to HK $3.74, while Tam Tsai International (02217) fell 1.08% to HK $2.74.

On the face of the news, Guojin Securities released a research report saying that the recovery intensity of catering continues to be in the doldrums, and the recovery intensity of takeout generally falls. Data show that this week, the intensity of catering recovery in cities across the country continued to decline, with second-and third-tier cities falling 3.9% and 6.5% respectively compared with last week. First-tier cities may benefit from the recovery of the epidemic, and the extent of the decline is significantly reduced. The recovery intensity of takeout in cities across the country has also generally declined, with second-and third-tier cities down 3.5% and 3.9% respectively compared with last week.

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