
一图读懂 | 十日累涨超80%,谁领衔中概股强势反弹?

Read in one chart | With a cumulative increase of more than 80% in ten days, who led the strong rebound of China Securities?

富途資訊 ·  Jun 9, 2022 12:00

China Securities has continued to rebound for nearly half a month. As of June 8, Pinduoduo had accumulated a cumulative increase of more than 75% in ten trading days, recovering strongly from its decline during the year; during the same period, Alibaba and Jingdong had accumulated gains of more than 45% and 34%, respectively.

Meanwhile, many Wall Street investment bank analysts, including J.P. Morgan Chase and Bank of America, have recently issued a series of positive forecasts, and are optimistic about the future direction of the Chinese stock market.

Editor/Corrine, Somer

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