

Which stocks are expected to become new entrants to Hong Kong stocks?

安信國際 ·  Jun 8, 2022 10:01

Source: Anxin Securities

Hang Seng Index will announce the results of the 22H1 review of the Hang Seng Index series on August 19, and the changes will take effect on September 5 (the actual date will be announced later).

As the changes in the Hang Seng Composite Index will affect the Hong Kong Stock Connect list, the changes have been highly valued by investors. In this mid-term review, we initially forecast that 22 new constituent stocks will be added to the Hang Seng Composite Index. After deducting three of them already qualified as A + H shares, this review will lead to 19 new Hong Kong Stock Connect shares. At the same time, 13 existing non-listed Hong Kong stocks will be disqualified because the average market capitalization in this review is less than 5 billion (the average market capitalization threshold of Hong Kong Stock Connect). Potential new Hong Kong stock market targets include:

Since we do not yet have trading data such as full-month stock prices for June, we use the closing price and total equity of the shares at the end of June as the total share capital of the closing price at the end of June, ignoring the newly listed main board shares in June, and initially expect that this review, the average market capitalization threshold for inclusion in the Hang Seng Composite Index is about HK $7.13 billion, while the exclusion threshold is HK $4.54 billion.

Please note that all the above forecasts are preliminary, and more accurate forecasts will have to wait for the full month of June trading data.

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