
港股异动 | 中汇集团(00382)午后涨超13% 机构看好应用型本科及职业教育学校长期发展

Changes in Hong Kong stocks Zhonghui Group (00382) rose more than 13% in the afternoon. Institutions are optimistic about the long-term development of applied undergraduate and vocational education schools.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 7, 2022 13:50

Zhitong Financial APP learned that Zhonghui Group (00382) rose more than 13% in the afternoon and rose 11.3% to HK $2.56 as of press time, with a turnover of HK $8.2781 million.

Huatai said recently that the structural contradictions in China's labor market may exist for a long time. In the long run, the supply of high-quality skilled personnel is still in short supply, and the higher education sector, which is dominated by applied undergraduate and vocational education schools, is expected to benefit in the long run on both the demand side and the policy side.

It is reported that Zhonghui Group recently released interim results, with revenue rising 48.4 per cent year-on-year to 823 million yuan and net profit from returning to its mother up 52.5 per cent to 251 million yuan. The main driving force for the growth is the steady growth of the number of students and average tuition fees of the former application-oriented undergraduate Guangzhou Chinese Business College and Guangzhou Chinese Business Vocational College; as well as the merger and acquisition of high-quality junior college Sichuan City Vocational College and Secondary Vocational Sichuan City technician College and Secondary Vocational School Guangdong Chinese Business Technical School, their consolidation and integration benefits have become increasingly prominent.

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