
港股异动 | 海螺环保(00587)再涨超7% 海螺水泥拟控股收购实现对海螺环保的控制和并表

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Conch Environmental Protection (00587) rose by more than 7% Anhui Conch Cement plans to acquire shares to achieve control and consolidation of conch environmental protection.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jun 7, 2022 11:20

Zhitong Financial APP learned that Conch Environmental Protection (00587) rose more than 7% in early trading and rose 5.63% to HK $5.63 as of press time, with a turnover of HK $14.7133 million.

Anhui Conch Cement recently announced that he plans to continue to increase the shares of Hong Kong conch environmental protection in the secondary market through conch Hong Kong opportunity selection, so as to consolidate the company's foundation as the largest shareholder of conch environmental protection, and finally through the appointment of most of the directors of the conch environmental protection board to realize the control and consolidation of conch environmental protection. Prior to this, Anhui Conch Cement held about 13.83% of the issued shares of Conch Environmental Protection directly and indirectly through Conch Hong Kong, making him the largest shareholder.

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