
厦门港务(3378.HK)复牌高开近47% 控股股东2.25港元/股提私有化

Xiamen Port Authority (3378.HK) resumed trading at a high level of 47%, and the controlling shareholder was privatized at HK$2.25/stock withdrawal

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jun 6, 2022 09:30
Gelonghui, June 6, 丨 Xiamen Port (3378.HK) resumed trading 46.9% higher at HK$2.13. According to the news, Xiamen Port Holdings, the controlling shareholder, proposed conditional privatization through absorption and merger. The cash price per share was HK$2.25, a 55.17% premium compared to before the suspension of trading. The total amount involved was approximately HK$2.22 billion. After all the effective conditions are met, the company will apply to the Stock Exchange for voluntary cancellation of the listing status of H shares in accordance with the listing rules.

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